Wednesday, June 28, 2006

New Website for Ted's Photos

First, let me apologize for not posting sooner. I haven't forgotten about everyone who checks the site every day hoping for a new posting. During our week out of town, we had no internet access, and this week we've had trouble uploading Ted's photos. We finally figured out the problem - and a solution. Because Ted is hoping to get some of his work published, he has started taking photos in raw format, which is too large a format to post on this blog site. On our last hiking trip, he took some photos in fine format so that I could post them here, but that format is also incompatible with this site. Instead of trying to take shots in simple format, we've decided to post his photos on another website so that you can look at more photos and view them in a higher resolution. The website is:

I will add this website as a link in the sidebar as well. So far we've only uploaded the photos of our most recent hike to Lee's Ferry and our trip last summer to Santa Fe. We'll add more as we have time. Since we will be maintaining a separate photo page, I won't have to deal with the frustrations of posting photos on this blog, which should free up more time to post. E-mail me if you have any trouble accessing the new website, and I'll try to fix the problem. Enjoy all the new photos! Also, the blog site sometimes takes a day to show my new postings on the front page. If you don't see a new posting, go down to the Archives list on the sidebar, and click the current month. The new postings will then appear on the screen. Hope you like today's post about the Lee's Ferry Hike!
Posting By: Rebecca

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